
Why workshops create better products

Martin Sandhu

January 2023

Product development within the pharma industry can be a complex and daunting task. There are often so many moving parts and factors to consider, that it can be difficult to get everyone on the same page. But establishing internal alignment is essential for success.

Internal alignment is a well-considered exercise in collective clarity, to ensure everyone within the team sees the same bigger picture and the same user needs, and that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives. This can all be achieved through workshops, to create a unity of shared understanding as a foundation to move forward.  

A lack of team alignment will most almost certainly negatively impact the project roadmap. It creates confusion and frustration, and leads to poor results or even project failure. In addition, a lack of alignment can lead to team members feeling disengaged and unproductive, which impacts morale, and can lead to a culture of blame, rather than one of collaboration and cohesion.

Product development suffers without alignment, leading to sub-standard products, which aren’t good enough for the end user, and are a poor return on investment for the client. All because there wasn’t there wasn’t sufficient communication and cohesion to kick things off.

Workshops mean vital voices are heard

Workshops help to ensure internal alignment by providing a forum for discussion and collaboration. They allow all stakeholders to share their ideas and perspectives, in order for the group to come to a consensus on insights, needs, and objectives.

In addition, workshops help to build trust within the team, as they provide an opportunity for everyone to be heard. This is essential for ensuring that everyone feels invested in the project, and that they are able to contribute their best.

Workshops help to ensure that the team is working together effectively, as they provide a structure and framework for collaboration. This can save a great deal of time and money in the long run, as it helps to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings, and ultimately leads to a more effective team, and a more efficient project.

nuom uses workshops to solve problems

At nuom, design workshops are an integral part of our design sprints, in which we work with clients to solve specific challenges. This allows us to hone in on the task at hand, and to ensure that time is used efficiently, allowing for iteration and refinements with the client (and users) as we progress.

Our design sprints are facilitated by our team of expert designers, who have a wealth of experience in running successful workshops. They help to facilitate discussion and ensure that all voices are heard. We also use a range of tools and techniques, such as user journey mapping and ecosystem mapping, to clarify needs, challenges and solutions.

We make sure to involve all stakeholders in the process, so that everyone has a chance to share their ideas and perspectives, to make the design process truly collaborative, so that the final product can be as informed and user-centred as possible.

A more efficient and effective workflow

An aligned team is a cohesive unit that is working towards the same goal. When everyone is on the same page, with a shared understanding, it leads to a more efficient and effective workflow. This in turn leads to better quality products, and improved morale amongst team members.

Here are a handful of simple steps we take during workshops, to ensure success:

1. Everyone gets a say. Make sure to involve all stakeholders in the workshop process, so that everyone has a chance to share their ideas and perspectives.

2. Explore in different ways. Use a variety of tools and techniques during workshops, including mind mapping, white boarding, and role-playing.

3. Create debate. Encourage discussion and collaboration amongst team members, so that they can come to a consensus on project insights, needs, and objectives.

4. Use an expert facilitator. Make sure that workshops are facilitated by experienced professionals, who will keep the process on track and in the right direction.

5. Share conclusions. Finally, follow up after each workshop to ensure that everyone is still on the same page, and that all objectives have been met.

We can help your team

If you're looking for help with internal alignment, or want to find new and valuable insights, then get in touch by dropping us an email at We can tell you more about our design sprints and workshop methods that help to produce better final products.

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