
Ways to boost morale and productivity

Martin Sandhu

February 2023

Studies have shown that team morale has a direct affect on productivity. Employees who are not engaged cost the world $7.8 trillion in lost productivity, according to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report. That's a lot of money. (About 11% of global GDP.)

With such a huge impact on the bottom line, it’s clear that companies need to do all that they can to foster a healthy work environment and keep team morale high.

Many companies invest in employee happiness programs, from free lunches to on-site massages, and it’s clear that these aren't just frivolous perks; they're actually shown to improve productivity. In a study by the University of Warwick, it was found that happier workers use the time they have more effectively, increasing their output by 12%.

Being happy and engaged in the workplace go hand in hand. Engaged workers are those who are emotionally attached to their work and feel a sense of ownership for their projects. On the other hand, disengaged workers are those who are checked out, uninterested, and don't care about their work. Gallup reports that ‘globally, only 15% of employees are engaged at work’. This means that the majority of workers are not emotionally attached to their work, and as a result are less productive.

Team morale matters

Product development is all about collaboration. To be successful, team members need to be able to rely on each other and trust that everyone is working towards the same goal. That's hard to do when morale is low. But when morale is high, team members are more likely to go above and beyond for each other, which leads to better results for the company as a whole.

So what can you do to improve team morale and keep productivity high?

1. Communicate regularly and effectively

Make sure team members feel like they can openly communicate with each other without fear of judgment. This will help identify problems early on and prevent them from festering into larger issues. This means creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns with each other. It also means being open to feedback from team members and using that feedback to make improvements.

2. Make sure everyone feels like they're part of the team

Another way to keep team morale high is to make sure everyone on the team feels like they're part of the process. This means involving everyone in decision-making and giving everyone a chance to contribute their ideas. It also means being clear about expectations and roles so that everyone knows what they need to do and how they can help the team succeed.  

3. Encourage a healthy work-life balance

It's important to encourage a healthy work-life balance for team members. This means not expecting them to work long hours or weekends unless it's absolutely necessary. It also means being understanding when team members need to take time off for personal or family commitments. A healthy work-life balance will help team members feel like they have a life outside of work, which can make them more productive when they’re at work.

4. Celebrate success and give positive reinforcement

It's important to celebrate successes as a team. This helps build camaraderie and makes people feel good about their contribution to the team's success. It also helps motivate people to keep up the good work so that the team can continue to succeed in the future.

You can reward good work in many ways, by giving out bonuses, awards, or recognition at company-wide meetings. Whatever the method, it's important to let team members know that their hard work is appreciated and that it's making a difference.

5. Make time for fun and offer perks

Yes, product development is serious business. But that doesn't mean there isn't room for some fun too. Hold regular team-building activities and social events so team members can get to know each other outside of work and blow off some steam together.

Offer perks and benefits that improve quality of life. Simple things like free snacks and drinks, flexible work hours, or the ability to work from home when needed. These types of perks show team members that you care about their wellbeing and that you're willing to invest in making their lives better.

6. Be transparent about company goals

Make sure team members are aware of the company's goals and how their work fits into those goals. This helps team members understand the importance of their work and how it contributes to the company's success. It also gives them a sense of ownership over their work and makes them more likely to be invested in its success.

7. Be open to change

Finally, be open to change. The world of product development is constantly changing, and team morale can suffer if team members feel like they're stuck in a rut. To prevent this, be open to trying new things and making changes when it's necessary. This doesn't mean making changes for the sake of change, but it does mean being willing to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of product development.

Great products don't just happen – they're the result of a team of skilled and dedicated professionals working together towards a common goal. Placing an emphasis on team morale is one of the best ways to ensure that your team is productive, happy, and successful.

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