
Less is more: why small teams and smart processes are more effective in product development

Loïc Le Merlus

December 2022

Less is more: why small teams and smart processes are more effective in product development

We've all heard the saying "too many cooks spoil the broth". Well, the same is true for product development. All too often when faced with a looming deadline or the need to get a product out the door, companies hire more engineers and throw more people at the problem, in the hope of getting the job done faster. But usually this just slows things down.

If you ask any product team member who has to work with large numbers of people on a project, they will tell you that the more people, the slower the progress.

Let’s deconstruct this to highlight the issues that can occur:

Fragmented communication

With too many people on a project it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page. This can lead to misunderstandings, which can lead to mistakes, which delays the project roadmap.

Lack of focus

With more people comes more opinions and ideas. Team members may work on different aspects of the product, or go in different directions, leading to less clarity and efficiency.

Blurred responsibilities

Adding more people can mean who does what becomes less clear. Particularly if the product is complex and has many moving parts. Clarity on roles and responsibilities is essential, to ensure focus, avoid duplication of effort, and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Coordination issues

It’s difficult to coordinate everyone's efforts if you have a very large team, and when things are constantly moving or changing then efficiency drops when dealing with a large group.

Process comes first

Process over people is the idea that it is more beneficial to focus on the steps involved in developing a product, rather than on the people who are doing the work.

When it comes to product development, the key is to have a clear and concise process in place that everyone on the team understands and buys into. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively, no matter how big or small the team is.

Clear and concise

You can develop your own process or use a tried and tested method from different frameworks or templates. Whatever you do, the process has to be clear, concise, and easy to follow. And make sure to focus on the most important tasks first: design, communication, testing, and iteration.

Once you have a process in place, stick to it. If you find yourself needing to get a product out the door quickly resist the urge to add in new people. The team (and client) will thank you for it in the end.

We can help

At nuom, our design innovation product is called Pace. It’s a unique and efficient process in which high-fidelity prototypes are developed in as little as 2 weeks. It involves design workshops for teams of any size, and it helps to avoid common problems that arise when working on a team project.

If you want to upgrade your product design process, or product development process, then Pace will certainly help. It’s the method our team has used to design and develop a very successful range of products, more efficiently.

If you would like to know more about how we can help then contact us at

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