
Optimise your landing page & break every sales record you've ever had

Martin Sandhu

August 2021

So, you’ve finally done it! You’ve validated your idea, developed a Rockstar product that solves a market need, and you’ve had your Big Launch 🚀

Yet, sales numbers are not skyrocketing even though your product ticks all the boxes. Let’s have a look as to why 👇

Over the past 12 years, we’ve been helping early-stage SaaS founders successfully build and launch scalable products. 

We’ve noticed that after getting through all the hurdles of releasing a product into the wild, most founders think that the hardest part is over. Psst... it’s not.

Building great products is a difficult task indeed, but the real challenge is turning people into loyal customers willing to buy. 

‘’...the real challenge is turning people into loyal customers willing to buy.’’

It’s a multi-step process that usually starts with you developing a kick-ass product that solves a genuine problem your customers have. The second step is setting up a landing page that actually converts.

It’s worth noting that you should not confuse a landing page with a homepage, even though the terms tend to be used interchangeably. 

A SaaS landing page is focused on persuading visitors to perform a specific action, whether that is to sign up, book a call or best of all - make a purchase. 

Even though landing pages have come a long way over the past decade, from bulky design and stone-cold sales language to a more friendly and personalised experience, they need an extra bit of kick when it comes to SaaS products.

In 2020, a survey by Unbounce revealed that the average conversion rate of a SaaS landing page is currently 2.9%, which is 10.46% lower than the conversion baseline. 

That should hardly come as a surprise, though. It can be quite tricky trying to explain to potential customers what your software does without boring them to tears.

‘’The average conversion rate of a SaaS landing page is currently 2.9%.’’

That’s why optimising your landing page should rank high on your priority list. It’s a process that involves a combination of smart decisions based on research and continuous iteration. It’s not a one-time ordeal.

Every high-performing SaaS page is based on two conflicting drivers of behaviour borrowed from consumer psychology: desire vs friction.

Your task is to find ways to increase the desire for your product while decreasing the friction that hinders your customers on their sales journey. Here are a few ways you could do that:

Ways to Increasing desire 😍

  1. Testimonials & customers reviews;
  2. Well-defined USP;
  3. Product tours;
  4. Scarcity/urgency;
  5. Benefits language;
  6. Strong visuals

Ways to decrease friction 😕

  1. Clear & consistent CTA;
  2. Free trials & guarantees;
  3. User-friendly interface;
  4. Include a FAQs section;
An example of a high-conversion landing page as seen on Plutio's website.

Plutio, a project management platform, has achieved exactly that. Their clear USP, social proof and limited-time offer aim to increase the customer’s desire.

Meanwhile, they offer a free product trial in addition to various other guarantees to lower friction. It's definitely on our list of high-conversion landing pages.

But all of that information is rendered useless if you don’t have the means to measure how well your landing page is performing. It’s reasonable to consider conversion rates your most important metric, however, there are other metrics you could use. For example:

  • How long did the average visitor stay on your website?
  • How far down the page did they go?
  • What made them leave?

In order to get maximum results, you need to get data quickly so that you could make the necessary adjustments and fine-tune your landing page to meet your sales target. 

The key is to execute fast, learn from your findings, iterate, and execute again. It’s a repeating cycle that should never cease. 

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