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Does your clinical software need a redesign?

Martin Sandhu

September 2022

If you're reading this, then it's likely that you're considering a redesign for your clinical software. But why? And how can a redesign help you to achieve your goals?

There are many reasons why you might need a redesign. Perhaps you feel your clinical product is outdated and no longer meets the needs of your customers. Pharmatech changes rapidly, and what worked five years ago may no longer be relevant today. End users are often patients or healthcare professionals at clinical research sites, and their needs are constantly changing. You may find that your product was originally designed with solely patients in mind, and now find that the user needs of sites actually need to be taken into account.

Exco InTouch (ERT) Gather Software Redesign

Maybe the product has become too complex and difficult to use. As products evolve, they often become more complicated and hard to use. This can be a result of adding new features or functionality, or simply because the original design was not well thought out. This can happen over time, and it can be difficult to spot the problems unless you take a step back and take a holistic look at the product with fresh eyes.

A redesign can help you to address these issues and more. By working with a team of experienced designers, you can create a product that is not only easier to use, but also more effective and efficient. You can get alignment on needs by using design thinking. Design workshops help to create a clear vision of what the product should be, a vision that can be shared between the product team, and the customer. This will help you to create a product that is tailored to the specific needs of your users.

A redesign can also help you to improve the appearance of your clinical trial software. Today we have all become  accustomed to using software that works with us rather than against us. Aesthetics are important, and dated or unattractive products are likely to be seen as less trustworthy and reliable than one that looks modern and sleek, even in a clinical research setting. And in the case of clinical trials, a product that is easy on the eye and intuitive to navigate is more likely to be used properly by patients and sites, resulting in more accurate data.

When working on a redesign, it is a good idea to work with someone who understands design thinking and how to apply it in the pharma industry. This will give you the best chance of success. 

We started with a discovery phase with the Exco InTouch (ERT) team

A redesign process should be agile, iterative, and user-centric. It should start with a discovery phase, during which you will research your users and their needs. This will help you to understand what problems need to be solved and how best to solve them. The next phase is design, during which you will create wireframes and prototypes of your solution. These will be tested with users to ensure that they meet their needs. Finally, you will develop and launch your redesigned product.

It’s important to remember that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work in pharma. If you choose to work with an external provider, choose one that offers tailor-made services that are designed to meet the specific needs of clients. You should also select a provider that has a deep understanding of the pharmatech space, and so can help you to create products that are compliant with necessary regulations, whilst remaining innovative and modern. 

At nuom, we have over 12 years of working with pharma and life sciences, so we understand the regulatory landscape. We can help you navigate your redesign process in a way that is solution orientated and meets regulatory requirements. Contact us to find out more.

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